Do you understand the different qualification levels? Have a look at this infographic created by John Paley.
This infographic created by John Paley helps you to understand the options available after Year 11.
This MyPath to apprenticeships infographic help to explain apprenticeships and the different levels available.
Ask An Apprentice connects students with apprentices who can answer questions, provide advice about apprenticeships and career paths.
Complete University league tables rank the best universities in the UK. The table ranks by region, entry standards, graduate prospects and more.
Icould is a website for exploring different careers, getting practical tips on GCSEs to university choices, plus revision, exams and finding work.
If you are interested in a STEM career but need some guidance, I'm a Scientist connects students with scientists through real-time chats.
Prospects is a resource for careers information and tips on applying to university with a quiz to match you to jobs that will suit you best.
The Forces Employment Charity supports young people aged 16-24 from military families with their education and career paths.
The Guardian's best UK Universities 2024 league table ranks universities by subject, student satisfaction, career prospects and more.
The National Careers Service is an excellent resource for exploring a range of career pathways and labour market information.
The Personal Statement Hub can help you show your chosen university why you are the perfect candidate.
The SACU quiz takes a few minutes and will generate a personalised careers cloud of suggestions.
The School Leavers' Hub can support Year 11s with study skills, subjects and decisions for Post-16.
The Sixth Former's Guide to Degree Apprenticeships is an A-Z guide to degree apprenticeships in the UK.
The Skills for Careers website can help explore different careers, has a careers assessment tool and useful LMI.
The Southern Universities Network provides resources to help students make an informed choice about next steps, university or an apprenticeship.
The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers 2023-2024. A definitive guide to Britain's most sought-after graduate employers.
UCAS' search tool in the hub showcases apprenticeships, work experience opportunities and information and advice pages.
Unifrog is the platform we use with all year groups. Every student has a log in with their school email address.
Year 11 Career Options is designed for students with SEND, to help understand the post 16 options.
Your Future, Your Choice is a useful booklet with information about Post-18 options after college or sixth form.
Your Future, Your Options is a useful booklet with information about Post-16 options after school.