Welcome to the Bay House Careers site
Keep up to date with all the latest Careers-related information
Welcome to the Bay House Careers microsite - a useful resource for students, parents and staff.
Whether students are planning to go to college or uni, find an apprenticeship or start work, the Careers team is here to help - just get in touch.
The News and Opportunities page has details of webinars and open events for students and parents covering many different topics, together with our Careers Newsletters.
An introduction to Apprenticeships and a list of all of the live vacancies locally can be found on the Apprenticeships page.
If you have any questions, email us at careers@kgabayhouse.uk and we will be happy to help.
Latest News
Latest Careers newsletter
Our Autumn update can be found here.
A number of employers are advertising apprenticeship vacancies at the moment with application deadlines in January, February and March - see our Apprenticeship pages for details.
Work experience 2025
Work experience for Year 10 and Lower Sixth has been announced for 30 June to 4 July.
Dates for The Link are yet to be confirmed.
Year 11 next steps
Year 11 college and apprenticeship applications are well underway - we are encouraging all Year 11s to have a Plan in place for their next steps, together with a Parallel Plan as an alternative option . It is perfectly acceptable to apply to more than one college and more than one course, and to keep these options open until students receive their GCSE results in the summer.
All of the local colleges have been invited into school to deliver assemblies in the Autumn term; a list of all the college Open Events can be found here.
Students who are applying for an Apprenticeship are also expected to apply to college in case they do not manage to secure an Apprenticeship or it falls through at the last minute - unfortunately this does happen which is why having a back up or Parallel Plan is so important.
Make the future yours! magazine has useful information for students and parents with careers you may not have thought about. Lots of tips, life skills, advice and case studies to help young people to make informed decisions about their next steps.
Confused by all the Post-16 choices?
This short video explains all the different pathways available.